Article 1: How tactical is human source management in Kazakhtan? The purpose of this paper is to offer an overview of talent management practices as they apply internationally and in the Kazakhstani framework, and also to provide practical suggestions to Kazakhstan-based companies to boost their performance in this regard. Data was collected through twelve in-depth interviews with HR managers from different organizations including multinational subsidiaries and lo cal companies. The initial analysis is dependant on an academic literature review.

The findings claim that talent management practices are diverse in the participating companies. Subsidiaries of international companies in Kazakhstan proven the most developed TM programs, and findings regarding Kazakhstani companies are disparate. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the determinants of consumers’ halal product approval within female population, a unexplored facet of consumer behavior previously, to develop and propose a halal product acceptance model for the religious society. Since the objective function of a Muslim consumer differs from that of other consumers, it aspires to establish an integrated framework to understand the influential factors involved in the product approval process by consumers in this society.

This paper studies the determinants of OFDI by Malaysian centered MNCs. It targets the factors that press off Malaysian companies to involve in OFDI such as market size, cost of skilled labour and the availability of natural resources. The time under study is from 1980 to 2008. Simple multiple regression analysis can be used in the study. Efficiency and Export levels are found to have significant impact on OFDI.

Keywords: Outward FDI, Developing Countries, Determinants of OFDI, Domestic Factors, FDI. The principal objective of the study is to construct a valid and reliable device to quantitatively measure the quality of inner audit function via the level of conformance by inner auditors on the International Professional Practice Framework (IPPF). This study consists of development of a musical instrument to measure quality of internal audit functions quantitatively.

  • Statement of Retained Earnings
  • Permit connectivity with social mass media networks allowing content posting
  • Ensuring that the hardware is available and it is up to date (windows/driver updates)
  • Is HHSE associated with the new Terminator 5 feature production
  • Excellent communication skills (written, and spoken)
  • Students’ own experience is valuable course material – don’t waste it

Two split pilot assessments were performed. The device was also reviewed by two experts in inner auditing from the USA and Malaysia. The ultimate data were collected from 400 internal auditors, auditors, accounts and accountant executives in Malaysia. The present study concludes that the majority of the existing instruments measuring internal audit quality suffer major weaknesses that limit its value and usability for empirical studies.

The results indicated that the new device satisfies the requirements for a valid and reliable research instrument and comply with the existing construction recommended by the IIA. The device could serve as additional evaluation tools for audit committee in evaluating the grade of internal audit in line with the new Bursa Malaysia Listing Requirements. This present research hopes to improve the books by suggesting a musical instrument that could initiate more empirical research in internal auditing.

A new approach of dimension was used as a solution to existing devices that were limited to the utilization of categorical, Likert-based measurement scales. This present study suggests a altered measurement scales that allow collection or ratio data. Moreover, this instrument enables more advance statistical analysis to be conducted also. Keywords: Quality of Internal Audit Functions, Internal Auditing, Quality Conformance and International Professional Practice Framework (IPPF).

The direction of new communication technology has formed a trend that requires every layers of the culture to participate in its network activity. An exclusion of oneself in these linkages of activities might leads to isolation from the society. In responding to this new culture, employers have provided facilities of their working environment for the employees to have the ability to access the network.

Simultaneously, an overwhelming utilization of the internet has contributed to uncontrollable activities which shown harms to numerous private lives. This is a conceptual paper which defined the potential legal risk of the employer relating to the unlawful internet communication created by the worker. This growing risk requires the diversion of management impose on the company within their working space. Global warming trend is an indicator of real danger. Evidence that humans are causing global warming is mounting.

The reason for this paper is to explore patterns of current usage and creation as well as to identify a better understanding the role of intake that can reduces environmental deteriorations. Methods about how to change these consumption and production patterns to a better sustainable lifestyle are suggested. It is shown that global warming are becoming big impacts which it not only brings danger to human but also to other creature such as plant, animal and even the planet earth itself.